Used to be really good but now it's just so slow! It takes about 5 minutes to load the data.
After a lot of attention, the old app on the new server is pretty much back to previous standards with the intuitive blue shading for the type of rain and the colour key restored. Update speed with the 5-min interval forecasts is also quick again but I do feel the radar rainfall maps are still more pixellated than before. But I'm very happy to rely on it again to predict the need for umbrellas on my dogwalks!
It used to be great. Now it's excruciatingly slow, half the time it doesn't connect, and the rain display is very pixelated compared to before. Uninstalled.
Version 2.2 has dreadfully non-intuitive colour scheme. Original much better. Would prefer default/opening area to be bigger as weather often able to move be half image in an hour. Feedback button doesn't work in app. This is from play store. Otherwise good and useful. Best wishes, Craig
Why is the forecast pixelating?
Doesn't connect to Internet
Doesn't work properly and when trying to put in search of places keeps saying no connection
Really wished this worked after the hostile takeover of Dark Skies by those who shall not be named, unfortunately it seems there's a lot more work to be done. Wildly inaccurate......
Sends details of your route to alibaba cloud (china) in singapore. Deleted.
Not good enough to decide whether to get your washing in. Interesting, but inaccurate predictive data.